Who we are
We are a consulting and engineering company focused on strategic environmental operational management, operating mainly in the Real State, Shopping Center, Financial Market, Industry and Sanitation sectors and technical commissions and committees. We provide a broad, systemic and integrated environmental vision, meeting the operational needs of our clients with lower risks and greater efficiency and savings.
Strategic management
- Water modeling
- Water sustainability tools
- Water footprint
- Strategic water plan for the company
Water Efficiency and Sustainability
- Building and sanitation infrastructure
- Use of rain and rainwater
- Water reuse
- Wastewater treatment
- Water treatment
- Lakes and water mirrors
Conservation and operational management of water 4.0
- Water Audit and Compliance
- Water conservation
- Alternative Source Simulation
- O&M Management and Supervision
- Water Brain
Circular Economy and Solid Waste Management
- Waste Management
- Using Biogas for Electricity Generation
- Circular Economy
- Innovation and Business Models in Sanitation
- Environmental Compliance, Licensing and Grants
We are driven by the desire to make environmental management efficient while reducing risks and increasing economic results. Our projects value integrated environmental management: we reduce environmental impacts, promoting environmental efficiency, health safety, with greater viability and sustainability.
Our purpose is to transform environmental management in Brazil in order to make it systemic and integrated, improving the environmental safety of companies, cities and their surroundings.
We believe that success comes through raising awareness among our customers regarding the sustainable and integrated environmental management of their resources. We are human, flexible and think “outside the box”, seeking creative and innovative solutions for each challenge.
There are already more than 136 consulting projects: over 90 projects for Water Audit and Alternative Water Sources [WTP (Water Treatment Plant), WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant), WPR (Water Reuse Plant), effluents, water reuse, among others]; over 20 Environmental Management and Urban Solid Waste Management Projects; and over 26 Gray, Green, and Blue Infrastructure Projects for water management. These projects enhance integrated environmental management in ventures aiming to reduce their environmental impacts with efficiency, financial viability, and greater sustainability.
Infinitytech Engenharia e Meio Ambiente has been operating since 2009, when sustainable construction began to gain relevance in the Brazilian market. Our founder, Virgínia Sodré, then realized the value and importance of contributing her expertise to water management in this sector!
The search for innovative solutions has always been a distinguishing feature of Infinitytech, which has already begun its operations by presenting a systemic and integrated vision to the building market.
In his first year, in addition to becoming a member of the Green Building Council Brazil, an NGO that promotes sustainable construction, our company created the first course on rational use of water for the sustainable construction sector in Brazil!
We have already participated in several national and international lectures and events with the purpose of creating innovative work methodologies and bringing value to our customers' water management, ensuring water efficiency associated with health security. In the year 2023, the publication Resilient cities and the urgency for Net Zero Water projects, in partnership with CBIC, gained recognition from the UN, which published the e-book translated into English and French.
Strategic management
- Water modeling
- Water sustainability tools
- Water footprint
- Strategic water plan for the company
Water Efficiency and Sustainability
- Building and sanitation infrastructure
- Use of rain and rainwater
- Water reuse
- Wastewater treatment
- Water treatment
- Lakes and water mirrors
Conservation and operational management of water 4.0
- Water Audit and Compliance
- Water conservation
- Alternative Source Simulation
- O&M Management and Supervision
- Water Brain
Circular Economy and Solid Waste Management
- Waste Management
- Using Biogas for Electricity Generation
- Circular Economy
- Innovation and Business Models in Sanitation
- Environmental Compliance, Licensing and Grants
Our purpose is to transform water management in Brazil in a systemic way, improving the water security of companies, cities and their surroundings.
We are enthusiastic teachers!
We believe that success comes through raising awareness among our customers regarding the sustainable management of water resources.
We are human, flexible and think “outside the box”, seeking creative and innovative solutions for each challenge.
There are already more than 100 consultancy projects in water conservation and integrated water management, treatment of sanitary and industrial effluents, including reuse projects. There are more than 54 gray water reuse projects, use of rainwater and rainwater, sustainable drainage projects, including rain gardens and other nature-based solutions. These are projects that value integrated environmental management in projects that seek to reduce their environmental impacts, with efficiency, financial viability and greater sustainability.
Infinitytech Engenharia e Meio Ambiente has been operating since 2009, when sustainable construction began to gain relevance in the Brazilian market. Our founder, Virgínia Sodré, then realized the value and importance of contributing with her expertise for water management in this sector!
The search for innovative solutions has always been a distinguishing feature of Infinitytech, which has already begun its work by presenting a systemic and integrated view of water to the building market.
In his first year, in addition to becoming a member of the Green Building Council Brazil, an NGO that promotes sustainable construction, our company created the first course on rational use of water for the sustainable construction sector in Brazil!
We have already participated in several national and international lectures and events with the purpose of creating innovative work methodologies and bringing value to our customers' water management, ensuring water efficiency associated with health security.
Our team
Civil engineering
Civil Engineer from UFRN, master in hydraulics in Sanitation from USP-EESC, with an MBA in International Business from FIA. Founder of InfinityTech, she has been working in the sanitation and water and effluent market in Brazil for over 23 years.
Environmental engineer
Works in water auditing and monitoring integrated water management projects.
He loves playing sports, traveling, enjoying the sun and the beach, walking his dogs, interacting with nature and watching a cool movie!
Tecnóloga em Hidráulica e Saneamento Ambiental
Atua com projetos de utilização de fontes alternativas de água, tais como aproveitamento de água da chuva, captação de água de poço, rebaixamento do lençol freático e reuso de águas cinzas. Além disso, elabora relatórios de estudos de eficiência hídrica. Gosta de ler, assistir séries e passear com seus animais de estimação.
Yuri Gonçalves dos Santos
Civil engineer
Atua no setor administrativo como gestor de processos e um dos guardiões da cultura da empresa. Já na parte de engenharia, auxilia na elaboração de estudos e relatórios técnicos nas áreas de auditoria hídrica e fontes alternativas. Gosta de viajar e ama estar com a família e amigos nas horas vagas.
Ana Silvia Oliveira
Civil Engineer and Specialist in Production and Project Management
Atua na área de gerenciamento e elaboração de projetos e laudos voltados para a gestão hídrica e ambiental, fornecendo suporte no setor comercial. Fora do trabalho, desfruta de momentos em família e com amigos, sendo apaixonada por sua cachorra. Além disso, aprecia assistir filmes de ação e fantasia.
Milina de Oliveira
Engenheira Sanitarista e Ambiental
Mestra em Engenharia Hidráulica e Saneamento
Especialista em gerenciamento de projetos
Atua em auditorias hídricas e fontes alternativas, em elaboração de estudos e relatórios técnicos nas áreas de saneamento.
Mayara Duarte de Sousa
Assistente Administrativo
Atua nos setores de departamento pessoal, financeiro e comercial. Gosta de organizar e planejar tudo. Sempre que pode gosta de viajar para conhecer novos lugares, pessoas e experimentar a gastronomia local.
Culture Code
- We are committed to our mission and purpose;
- We are concerned with extraordinary delivery for our clients, based on profitable work;
- We are true, engaged, entrepreneurs and partners;
- We have the autonomy to be incredible;
- We are irrationally selective about our peers;
- We invest in mutual cooperation and are committed;
- We challenge conventional “wisdom”, as it is often important to be creative and do things differently;
- We speak the truth and face the facts;
- We believe that high performance can be achieved with a balance between work and personal life;
- Learning is part of our routine, we are always improving our knowledge.
Social Cause
We believe our cause is noble!
We help organizations grow, reducing their water footprint, environmental risks and improving the environment for the population, increasing the environmental safety of companies and cities.